When I first started working as a case manager I agreed to help my supervisors create a training binder for all case managers. As I learned something new I wrote it down anyway and put it into a binder as a reference for everyone else. This helped everyone compile needed information in one spot and to create new documents where there were none. For example, it was very confusing for the case manager to work with the contractors when doing home modifications because our relationship is different than if the contractor was working for the client private pay. I created the documents below to help the contractors understand the role of the case manager and they all appreciate having this.
Environmental Modification Guidelines for Contractor and Case Manager/ Client
1. Determine client need for environmental modification
2. Case manage contact the doctor to have a script written stating the need for the environmental modification
3. Client to choose 3 contractors from the Pick List and put them in order by choice.
4. Case manager determines the needs of the client and with the clients input decides on the design of the construction to be done.
5. Case manager calls contractor asking to send information to their business if they are interested in the environmental modification job
6. Case manager sends a fax including
o Drawing outlined by the case manager and client
o Check list of what to bid on
o Case managers responsibilities and contact information
7. All contractors are to bid on the same job/materials needed to complete the home modification
Contract between Case manager and contractor
I __________ agree to communication with the case manager ___________________ who is representing the needs of the client _____________. I understand that no deviations from the drawing presented for the bid can be made unless discussed in detail with the case manager. All bids that do not follow these guidelines will be dismissed from the bidding process. All communication from the contractor is to go through the case manager and will be discussed with the client. I understand that all code requirements and permits are the responsibility of the contractor that bid the job through Area 9 Agency. If any sub contractors are working under the main contractor the contactor signing this agreement is held responsible. A satisfaction release form will be signed by the client.
Name:_________________________ Date:______________________________
By signing below you acknowledge that you have read and understand the relationship between the client, case manager and contractor.
1. Case Manger will assess individual and determining need for service and environmental modifications
2. Case Manager will develop Plan of Care
3. Case Manager will be determining the cost effectiveness of environmental modification
4. Case Manager will ensure use of Person Centered Planning in having the environmental modification fit the needs of the individual being serviced
5. Client and Case Manager will determine the environmental modification that will be done
6. Case manager will submit one drawing to the 3 selected contractors
7. No deviations are to be made from the drawing by the client or contractor
8. Case manager is acting as the advocate between the client and contractor
9. No additions by the client or contractor to the environmental modification are to be made after the construction has started unless discussed with the case manager
10. Any additional construction being done to the home must be completed separately from the approved bid.
11. Case manager and supervisors will be reviewing all bids from contractors and selecting one to complete work
12. Case Manager will be explaining to client services that will be provided
13. Case Manager will be supervising implementation of construction for the client
14. Case Manager will be advocating on behalf of the clients’ interests and having all decision making communication with contractors
15. Case Manager will be monitoring the quality of HCBS and ensuring that POC objectives are being met
16. Case Manager will be performing record keeping of all construction activity
17. Case Manager will reassess POC to determine need for additional modifications
18. Case Manage and contractor will ensure confidentiality of individual information
19. Case Manager and contractor will maintain the highest professional and ethical standards
Client ___________________________________________ Date: ___________
Case Manager:_____________________________________ Date:____________
Contractor:_________________________________________ Date:___________